Tag Archives: Privacy

Facebook — The Good, The Bad, and the Good!

Social networking has revolutionized the way people interact with each other as well as the manner in which people associate with professional and recreational organizations. One of the most popular and highly effective social media tools preferred today is Facebook.

The Good: Facebook serves as a highly functional and interactive social networking media. Traditionally referred to as a passive medium, Facebook has the ability to upload photographs, videos, games, and applications to personal profiles. With this capability, Facebook users have the ability to establish, reestablish, and maintain contact with friends, family, and coworkers alike.

Facebook has provided a means for users to connect their Facebook updates to other social media, such as Twitter. Therefore, ‘addicted’ social media users no longer need to log into different accounts to post similar information — information will transfer between the mediums. Moreover, using two media (and essentially others, too) in concert with each other creates a massive communications synergistic effect!

The Bad: Constant unannounced changes to user interface and privacy policies and controls continue to pose a great source of consternation for most users. For example, with the changes effected in May 2010, Facebook discloses information that it sets as ‘visible’ to everyone — users are unable to make it private. This information includes sensitive information like names, profile pictures, gender, and networks. Occasionally, other such changes are discovered by chance and reposted as users’ statuses to alert other members. Although these notifications generally spread very quickly, it does not present the most forthright and professional means of servicing constituents.

The topic of apps presents another security dynamic. Participating companies, such as Foursquare, will offer attractive deals through certain apps that associate location and shopping habits with users on the networks. It is also important to note that these apps can be disabled, but the deals will not be awarded without disclosing the user’s location within the app itself. In short, apps can present some special deals, but users must remain cognizant of how much personal information is disclosed to the public.

The Good: Facebook’s security page provides information regarding suggested privacy settings in addition to general security tips to help protect account holder identities. When in doubt, users can certainly select the “Preview My Profile” option to ascertain what information is being displayed to the public. Facebook also provides some powerful options to help protect its users online, but it’s up to each individual to educate themselves and use them! Additionally, users can always take a proactive security posture by carefully evaluating who is allowed ‘Friend’ status and keeping information disclosed on Facebook pages more general and conservative in nature.

In short, Facebook is a highly functional social media tool. And, with the proper precautions, Facebook can certainly serve as a highly effective networking and communicating instrument.
